Don't let the hate of this world camouflage the God that's in you!
I was not going to say anything about the unfortunate events of last Saturday as racist rallied in Va. However, I was looking at a live stream on Periscope and begin to see all of the hate for people of color and racist remarks that were being typed to the black female that was clearly saying to her followers that not all white people hate African Americans. The live stream got heated and they began to then also include hate for the homosexual community.My heart was saddened because of the ignorance in our country. Can I be real with y'all? Racism comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds. I had the opportunity to take a trip Hawaii and I have heard stories of the natives not liking white people. I have been around my own family members and heard racist comments from the older generation that dealt with colored schools and integration. I have heard racist slurs between Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. I said that to say this, I know that all of this is wrong! I know that all of this angers you! I know that everyone wants a fair chance to live in peace and prosperity. I know our non-white counterparts are being killed.
DON'T LET THE ANGER IN YOU AND THAT IS IN THE WORLD CAMOUFLAGE THE GOD THAT IS IN YOU! We are admonished in the word of God to love our enemies those that do us harm. We are to love our neighbor as our-self. I know its not an easy task when there is so much hate but we have to be as people of the most high God ,the beacon of LIGHT AND HOPE! Others that do not know God is trying to find the good in this world. The ones that are hurting are trying to find love in this world. Don't be so angry that you hurt people, because what you do to them will return to you. I am not saying stand by and be hurt or allow people to be hurt. I am simply saying come together peacefully and fight the racism that exist for all people! Your voice can be heard without violence! There are so many things that are camouflaged in this world DON'T ALLOW THE LIGHT OF GOD TO BE BEHIND YOUR ANGER! Let it shine and be the light that heals. That is my soap box for today! Yall be blessed and Fight For your Life!
DON'T LET THE ANGER IN YOU AND THAT IS IN THE WORLD CAMOUFLAGE THE GOD THAT IS IN YOU! We are admonished in the word of God to love our enemies those that do us harm. We are to love our neighbor as our-self. I know its not an easy task when there is so much hate but we have to be as people of the most high God ,the beacon of LIGHT AND HOPE! Others that do not know God is trying to find the good in this world. The ones that are hurting are trying to find love in this world. Don't be so angry that you hurt people, because what you do to them will return to you. I am not saying stand by and be hurt or allow people to be hurt. I am simply saying come together peacefully and fight the racism that exist for all people! Your voice can be heard without violence! There are so many things that are camouflaged in this world DON'T ALLOW THE LIGHT OF GOD TO BE BEHIND YOUR ANGER! Let it shine and be the light that heals. That is my soap box for today! Yall be blessed and Fight For your Life!
Will said. Spread love not hate.