Healthy lifestyle while living with cancer

In the recent days and joining various groups on Facebook I get more and more of these type  questions: What are you doing to prolong your life or what supplements etc. are you taking. My reply is always the same NOTHING. Then I preceded to tell them my faith in God has prolonged my life. Believing that he is my healer and that he will honor my request to live, is what has prolonged my life. Then I began to think of what I could tell people that I truly do, to keep me from falling apart. I tell people all the time never give up, but I asked myself was that enough? The answer was no! People want something they can do to make them feel better or take, but I think there is so much more to a healthy life being diagnosed with cancer. In thinking I came up with seven principles that I believe any person with challenges in the body (I  try not to speak sickness or cancer so we will say challenges lol) should do. I truly think I am going to develop a workshop around this. I will give you what I came up with, now granted there will be more to come but I like doing things in increments of three or seven. Those numbers are the numbers of perfection (three) and completion( seven) this is just the way my mind is wired I guess. We will talk about each one as the days pass but today we will start off with one.

The first principle  of a healthy lifestyle living with a cancer diagnoses is: ACCEPT THAT YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE! 

This is the most challenging of them all. Most people get really angry when they cannot go back to what they were doing before being diagnosed. Many have to quit jobs and take treatments their lives change drastically and  I have seen first hand what this beast can do. Brain tumors have stripped them of not only a normal life but in many cases left them blind, epileptic, deaf etc. People have no Idea what people that are given a death sentence face. I still believe that with God all things are possible! There is nothing too hard for God! You have to give everything to him and say: God if you allowed this then I can get through this better than I was before. Yes things will be different but they will be doable! This is not the end of your life it is the start of a new one.  You must first accept the change so that the anger will leave and the despair. God knows all about you and he will supply the needs you have but you have to do it his way. You have to believe in your heart that he is and that he died for you. He loves you and I know it may not seem like he does now but I promise you, you will look back and see that he was there all the time. Accept that your life has changed embrace it and keep fighting!


  1. Great read, I have definitely accepted that my life will never be the same.


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